Internationellt seminarium om Termografi
International Seminar on Termovision
(Russia)Nizhny Novgorod, June 10-11, 1996
June, 10, morning session, (11.00-13.00), conference hall of NNSRITO
Official opening
V. Azolov (Direktor of Nizhny Novgorod Scientific Reserch Institute of Traumatology and Orthypedy, Professor )
S. Smirnov (Head of the Municipal Department of Public Helath; Doctor of Medicine)
S. Kolesov Chief of Medicine Thermovision Centre, Professor).
V. Konnov (Representative of ” AGEMAInfrared Systems” ,General Maneger of ” Konnov Co.”.
Scientific Part
T. Tengesdal (Sweden) presentation of ” AGEMA”
S. Kolesov. ( Nizhny Novgorod, Russia). Thermography and
Radiothermometry in Nizhny Novgorod ( history, achivements and perspectives).
Lunch (13.00-14.00 )
June, 10, afternoon session, (14.00-17.00), conference hall of NNSRITO
H Partsch (Austria) Blood flow in diabetic feet. Our routine diagnosis of Deep Venous Trombosis and Raynauld´s phenomenon.
I. Stulin, A. Mnushkin, R. Musin, M. Suleimanova, I. Erofeeva ( Moscow, Russia). Start screening with thermovision.
R. Vepkhvadze, E. Gedevanishvill, V. Kapanadze (Tbilisi, GeorgiaSome aspects of using prognostic abilities of thermovision method in oncology and radiology.
V. Mazurin, A. Tsurkan, L. Taran, A. Zhitar (Kishinev, Moldavia)
Active remote infrared thermography in mamma cancer diagnostics.
L. Kravets, M. Volovik (Nizny Novgorod, Russia). Intraoperative thermovision in cerebral tumors.
M. Golovanova (Nizny Novgorod, Russia) New Possibillities of thermovision diagnosties in clinical thermography investigation of biologically active zones.
T. Kolosova, T. Dryagina, O. Pavlova, M. Schvedova (Fryasino, Russia)
Clinical thermography in prognostisation of acute condition of peptic ulcer.
S. Artifeksov (Nizny Novgorod, Russia) Thermography and radiothermometry in varicocele prognostication.
June, 11, morning session (9.00-13.00), coference hall of NNSRITO
B. Wallin (Sweden). Demonstration of new samples of ” Agemas” termovision equipment.
Ingemar. Thid (Sweden) Thermography as a diagnostic aid whitin the field of muscle-inflammation such as Fibro-Myalgy. A clinical study of the results related to treatment of painless, non-invasive infrared light therapy.
June,11,afternoon session, (14.00 – 17.00 ) conference hall of NNSRITO
V. Popov ( Arkhangelsk, Russia ) Tventy years of using thermovision in clinical practice.
S. Krasnov ( kaliningrad, Russia ) New approaches to osteocondritis with the use of computer thermovision examination.
V. Levin, S. Koshetchkin, M. Prilutchny (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia). Early thermovision diagnosis of the dept of burns.
I. Stulin, R. Musin, A. Mnushkin, A. Shibalev, A. Setchkin, A. Dolbin, L. Sumsky, P. Vlasov, D. Kuznetsov, M. Tardov, G. Stulin. (Moscow, Russia) The role of thermovision in complex non-invasive diagnostics of Cerabral coma.
A. Aleinikov, B. Vaganov (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia). Thermovision diagnostics of neurogical troubles in cronic scholder dislocation.
Break (10 minutes )
V. Mazurin, A. Tsurcan, I. Dacskeluk, A. Zhitar, M. Syrgy, R. Tsimbal (Kishinev, Moldavia). Infrared — support and movent apparatus.
B. Sotnik, G. Komarov, M. Lesnikov, V. Sjedin (S:t Petersburg, Russia). Discovery of characteristic thermvision gradients in patients with different pathologies.
A. Peshkov (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia). Thermovision application of children with after-effects of the natal trauma of cervical vertebra.
B. Sotnik, G. Komarov, V. Kirillov, A. Tehuzhov (S:t Petersburg, Russia) Thermovision theraputic effects in psychiatry.
Programmes of registration and analysis of medical thermovision information.
Acquaintance with thermovision and radiothermometrical equipment of Termovision Centre of NNSRITO.